* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»Throw my buddy Jesse in the hoodoo wagon. / Come here, mama, with that can of booze.«
Blind Willie McTell, »The Dyin’ Crapshooter’s Blues«
Porter Grainger / Blind Willie McTell © 1927
* [hoodoo man].[hoodoo woman].[conjure man].[].[].[].[].[].
»The hoodoo told me to get me a black cat bone / And ›Shake it over their head, they’ll leave your man alone.‹«
Ma Rainey, »Louisiana Hoodoo Blues«
Gertrude »Ma« Rainey © 19???
»I’m goin’ to the hoodoo, I’m gonna put you under my feet, / I’m gonna have you, baby, do anything in the world I want you to do.«
Robert Pete Williams, »The Midnight Rambler«
??? © 1961
»woman, know you can tell me no lie, / Oh, darlin’, the way you smell, darlin’, I know you been with the hoodoo«
Robert Pete Williams, »Hoodoo Blues«
??? © 1961
* [spell].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»You have to do what you do do! / ‘Tisn’t up to you at all. / We all live under a hoodoo«
»Trial By Music«
Ira Gershwin / George Gershwin © 1945
»I done talked to the gypsy woman on the telephone / She gonna send out a world-wide hoodoo«
Chuck Berry, »Thirty Days«
Chuck Berry © 1955
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