Klei­ne Samm­lung von Slang- und Dialektlinks

Nach dem längst fäl­li­gen Umstieg auf den um eini­ges flin­ke­ren Fire­fox 4 – kann ich nur jedem raten! – schien auch mal ein Groß­rei­ne­ma­chen bei den Lese­zei­chen fäl­lig. Ich dach­te mir, ein paar Hun­dert von den Tau­sen­den von Adres­sen sind ja sicher ver­al­tet. Aber letzt­lich kam’s noch weit schlim­mer. Aus mei­nem alten Slang-Ord­ner zum Bei­spiel ist gera­de mal viel­leicht noch ein Fünf­tel der Lese­zei­chen gül­tig. Und nach­dem ich mir schon die Mühe gemacht habe, hier – eher unsor­tiert – eine Aus­wahl der nach wie vor gül­ti­gen Adres­sen zu mehr oder weni­ger brauch­ba­ren, aber durch­wegs kurz­wei­li­gen Sites.

Stri­ne and Aus­tra­li­an Slang: Glos­sa­ry of Aus­tra­li­an Words, Phra­ses, Colloquialisms
Dagree’s Gre­at Aus­sie Slang
Stri­ne Decoded: A Dic­tion­a­ry of Aus­tra­li­an English
Aus­tra­li­an Slang/Dialect Glos­sa­ry
Ame­ri­can, Eng­lish, and Urban Slang
Argot — Dic­tion­n­aire d’ar­got en ligne / French slang dic­tion­a­ry online


Bay Area Hip Hop Dic­tion­a­ry
Bri­tish, Cana­di­an and Ame­ri­can Vocabulary
Buck­ing­ham­shire Vocabulary
BuzzWhack’s Buz­zword Com­pli­ant Dic­tion­a­ry : Dedi­ca­ted to de-mys­ti­fy­ing buzzwords


Coal­Speak: Dic­tion­a­ry of the Coal Regi­on : A coll­ec­tion of nost­al­gia and regio­na­lisms from the Anthr­aci­te Coal Regi­on of Pennsylvania
Nost­al­gia, lexi­con, and recipes of Schuyl­kill Coun­ty, PA
cockney.co.uk : To be a true Lon­do­ner — A Cock­ney, you have to be born within hea­ring distance of the church bells of St. Mary Le Bow, Che­ap­si­de, in the City of Lon­don of Lon­don. Befo­re the advent of motor traf­fic, the sound of the Bow Bells appar­ent­ly rea­ched 6 miles to the East, 5 miles to the north, 4 miles to the West and 3 miles to the south.
The Cock­ney


Dialect Dic­tion­a­ry, The : Eine Zusam­men­stel­lung klei­ne­rer Wort­lis­ten zu allen mög­li­chen The­men & Gegenden
Dic­tion­a­ry — Exami­ner Bay to Brea­k­ers 2000 :  An annu­al rite of Spring in San Fran­cis­co whe­re as many as 100,000 par­ti­ci­pan­ts run through the streets of San Fran­cis­co start­ing at San Fran­cis­co Bay and run­ning to the Brea­k­ers of the Paci­fic Oce­an. Held every third Sun­day in May. Spon­so­red by the San Fran­cis­co Exami­ner news­pa­per. Das Ereig­nis hat sei­nen eige­nen Wortschatz.
Do You Speak Ame­ri­can . Track That Word!
Drug Slang & Ter­mi­no­lo­gy Vault
Drug Slang Dictionary
The Drunk­tio­na­ry
Dic­tion­a­ry of Sexu­al Terms — Sex-Lexis
: All the Many-Sple­ndo­red Things in Bet­ween in Teen­speak — Jockspeak — Meng­lish — Slang­lish — Spang­lish Gayl­e­se — Ame­ri­ca­ne­se — Brit­speak — Ozslang — Fun­e­tic Popu­lo-Vul­gar Speech — T‑Shirt & Net Short­hand Pom­po-Ver­bo­si­ty & other Figu­ra­ti­ve Lingos
Dou­ble-Ton­gued Dic­tion­a­ry: Slang, jar­gon, and new words from the frin­ges of English.


Ebo­nics Pri­mer [Dole­mi­te]
Eng­lish Slang, Dic­tion­a­ry of [Pee­vish]
Eng­lish-to-Ame­ri­can Dic­tion­a­ry: The Spetic’s Companion
EmoticonUniverse.com : Inter­net Slang-Acronyms


Likas-Phil­ip­pi­nes: Fili­pi­nia­na: Fili­pi­no – English


Gay Terms, Aaron’s Dic­tion­a­ry of : An archi­ve of gay terms crea­ted as a sub­cul­tu­re lan­guage and coll­ec­ted cir­ca 1965.
Music/Hip-Hop Dic­tion­a­ry Index (Das Original) 
Grose’s 1811 Dic­tion­a­ry: prak­tisch der Vater aller Slangwörterbücher
Gangs OR Us — Iden­ti­fy­ing street gangs and pri­sons gangs


Hip­hop Lan­guage Data­ba­se | The Hip­hop Archive 
Hip­py­land Glossary 
Hot­For­Words: Mari­na Orl­o­vas pral­le Englischlektionen
Hill­wal­king / Hiking / Moun­tai­nee­ring / Rock­clim­bing Slang and Jar­gon Dictionary
Hip-Hop-Slang — Stu­pi­de­dia (dt.)


Irish — The O’Byr­ne Files
Ever­y­day Eng­lish and Slang in Ire­land : A dic­tion­a­ry of Irish slang and phrases


Jar­gon, slang, and niche voca­bu­la­ries : Samm­lung einer gan­zen Rei­he von Listen
Jamai­ca: Speak Jamai­can — Jamaicans.com


The Lan­guage Hat : Groß­ar­ti­ge Sprachsite!
Lon­don Slang — Introduction


Metham­phet­ami­ne: Slang, Jar­gon, and Nick­na­mes for Crys­tal Meth / Methamphetamine
Mili­ta­ry Ter­mi­no­lo­gy, Jar­gon and Slang


North Caro­li­na: Favo­ri­te North Caro­li­na Slang


Oak­land Slang


Poker Dic­tion­a­ry
ODPS — Online Dic­tion­a­ry of Play­ground Slang
Pri­sons­lang von prisonwall.org
Pri­son­Zo­ne — Wel­co­me to Pri­son : Slang & aller­hand ande­res über ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Gefängnisse
Pri­son Slang
Pseu­do­dic­tion­a­ry: If you know a word that should be in a dic­tion­a­ry but isn’t, sub­mit it and we’ll add it to the pseu­do­dic­tion­a­ry. if you know a real word and think it would fit in, you may sub­mit it as well.


Que­er Page : Few peo­p­le would deny that labels can be dan­ge­rous when used wit­hout good inten­ti­ons and careful con­side­ra­ti­on. Yet after all, as explai­ned on our “Reasons to Choo­se or Not Choo­se a Label” page, labels are only words—and words when cho­sen careful­ly usual­ly do com­mu­ni­ca­te more effec­tively than silence. The trick is to choo­se them carefully—or if neces­sa­ry, to invent your own. To help give you some ide­as, we’­ve lis­ted over four hundred labels here.


Rap Dic­tion­a­ry [rapdict.org]
Under­stand Rap : Can you explain rap lyrics?


Scot­land: Scots Dictionary
Scot­tish Ver­na­cu­lar Dictionary
Scot­tish Words Archi­ve : Scot­tish Words Illus­tra­ted : An ongo­ing enter­tai­ning light hear­ted sel­ec­tion of Scot­tish words illus­tra­ted with car­toons — inclu­ding trans­la­ti­ons into Eng­lish for all tums­hie­heeds, as well as a quiz.
SEX LEX (dt.)
Sex­le­xi­kon, alles zum The­ma Sex und Ero­tik (dt.)
Sex-Lexis: Dic­tion­a­ry of Sexu­al Terms and Expres­si­ons: All the Many-Sple­ndo­red Things in Bet­ween in Teen­speak — Jockspeak — Meng­lish — Slang­lish — Spang­lish Gayl­e­se — Ame­ri­ca­ne­se — Brit­speak — Ozslang — Fun­e­tic Popu­lo-Vul­gar Speech — T‑Shirt & Net Short­hand Pom­po-Ver­bo­si­ty & other Figu­ra­ti­ve Lingos
Slang von der Gigglepedia
Slang Dic­tion­a­ry — What’s your slang?
Slang Edi­tor
Slang Sur­vey: Slang: b3ta.com qotw
Slang: 60’s Slang : In the ear­ly 60’s, as today, the young peo­p­le had a dif­fe­rent lin­go and it, as today, dro­ve our par­ents nuts. The­se are a few of the slang words that were used in the six­ties. The key­word here is “used” as some of the­se words came from an ear­lier era.
Slan­guage : Talk like the locals in cities around the world!
The Online Slang Dictionary
Street­gang Slang: City of Hous­ton — The Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office:  Glossary
Dic­tion­a­ry of Play­ground Slang
SlangSite.com — The Slang Dic­tion­a­ry: A dic­tion­a­ry of slang, web­s­peak, made up words, and colloquialisms.
Probert’s Ency­clo­paed­ia — Slang
SlangInsider.com — Slang Dictionary
Slang City
Slang City: Song­tex­te erklärt 
Slang sur­vey b3ta.com
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade
Old Sur­fing Slang
Sur­fri­kan : South Afri­can sur­fers talk fun­ny – most­ly becau­se they’re sur­fers, but also becau­se they’re South Afri­can. Our local slang is a stran­ge mix­tu­re of words and phra­ses from the lan­guages of sett­lers from Euro­pe and Asia, as well as indi­ge­nous peo­p­les, nota­b­ly Xho­sa, Zulu, Sotho and Khoi-San. This glos­sa­ry includes words used by sur­fers, but also more gene­ral words. Some might be vague­ly offen­si­ve, so sor­ry for that.
Stu­pid peo­p­le expres­si­ons and sayings 


The Infi­ni­te Teen Slang Dic­tion­a­ry.



Vic­to­ri­an Slang Glossary


York­shire Folk Talk: Glos­sa­ry


Youth Resour­ce Dic­tion­a­ry of Teen Talk, Youth Lin­go, Street Talk, Ebo­nics and Cur­rent Teen Words




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