Strine and Australian Slang: Glossary of Australian Words, Phrases, Colloquialisms
Dagree’s Great Aussie Slang
Strine Decoded: A Dictionary of Australian English
Australian Slang/Dialect Glossary
American, English, and Urban Slang
Argot — Dictionnaire d’argot en ligne / French slang dictionary online
Bay Area Hip Hop Dictionary
British, Canadian and American Vocabulary
Buckinghamshire Vocabulary
BuzzWhack’s Buzzword Compliant Dictionary : Dedicated to de-mystifying buzzwords
CoalSpeak: Dictionary of the Coal Region : A collection of nostalgia and regionalisms from the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania
Nostalgia, lexicon, and recipes of Schuylkill County, PA : To be a true Londoner — A Cockney, you have to be born within hearing distance of the church bells of St. Mary Le Bow, Cheapside, in the City of London of London. Before the advent of motor traffic, the sound of the Bow Bells apparently reached 6 miles to the East, 5 miles to the north, 4 miles to the West and 3 miles to the south.
The Cockney
Dialect Dictionary, The : Eine Zusammenstellung kleinerer Wortlisten zu allen möglichen Themen & Gegenden
Dictionary — Examiner Bay to Breakers 2000 : An annual rite of Spring in San Francisco where as many as 100,000 participants run through the streets of San Francisco starting at San Francisco Bay and running to the Breakers of the Pacific Ocean. Held every third Sunday in May. Sponsored by the San Francisco Examiner newspaper. Das Ereignis hat seinen eigenen Wortschatz.
Do You Speak American . Track That Word!
Drug Slang & Terminology Vault
Drug Slang Dictionary
The Drunktionary
Dictionary of Sexual Terms — Sex-Lexis: All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak — Jockspeak — Menglish — Slanglish — Spanglish Gaylese — Americanese — Britspeak — Ozslang — Funetic Populo-Vulgar Speech — T‑Shirt & Net Shorthand Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
Double-Tongued Dictionary: Slang, jargon, and new words from the fringes of English.
Ebonics Primer [Dolemite]
English Slang, Dictionary of [Peevish]
English-to-American Dictionary: The Spetic’s Companion : Internet Slang-Acronyms
Likas-Philippines: Filipiniana: Filipino – English
Gay Terms, Aaron’s Dictionary of : An archive of gay terms created as a subculture language and collected circa 1965.
Music/Hip-Hop Dictionary Index (Das Original)
Grose’s 1811 Dictionary: praktisch der Vater aller Slangwörterbücher
Gangs OR Us — Identifying street gangs and prisons gangs
Hiphop Language Database | The Hiphop Archive
Hippyland Glossary
HotForWords: Marina Orlovas pralle Englischlektionen
Hillwalking / Hiking / Mountaineering / Rockclimbing Slang and Jargon Dictionary
Hip-Hop-Slang — Stupidedia (dt.)
Irish — The O’Byrne Files
Everyday English and Slang in Ireland : A dictionary of Irish slang and phrases
Jargon, slang, and niche vocabularies : Sammlung einer ganzen Reihe von Listen
Jamaica: Speak Jamaican —
The Language Hat : Großartige Sprachsite!
London Slang — Introduction
Methamphetamine: Slang, Jargon, and Nicknames for Crystal Meth / Methamphetamine
Military Terminology, Jargon and Slang
North Carolina: Favorite North Carolina Slang
Poker Dictionary
ODPS — Online Dictionary of Playground Slang
Prisonslang von
PrisonZone — Welcome to Prison : Slang & allerhand anderes über amerikanische Gefängnisse
Prison Slang
Pseudodictionary: If you know a word that should be in a dictionary but isn’t, submit it and we’ll add it to the pseudodictionary. if you know a real word and think it would fit in, you may submit it as well.
Queer Page : Few people would deny that labels can be dangerous when used without good intentions and careful consideration. Yet after all, as explained on our “Reasons to Choose or Not Choose a Label” page, labels are only words—and words when chosen carefully usually do communicate more effectively than silence. The trick is to choose them carefully—or if necessary, to invent your own. To help give you some ideas, we’ve listed over four hundred labels here.
Rap Dictionary []
Understand Rap : Can you explain rap lyrics?
Scotland: Scots Dictionary
Scottish Vernacular Dictionary
Scottish Words Archive : Scottish Words Illustrated : An ongoing entertaining light hearted selection of Scottish words illustrated with cartoons — including translations into English for all tumshieheeds, as well as a quiz.
SEX LEX (dt.)
Sexlexikon, alles zum Thema Sex und Erotik (dt.)
Sex-Lexis: Dictionary of Sexual Terms and Expressions: All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak — Jockspeak — Menglish — Slanglish — Spanglish Gaylese — Americanese — Britspeak — Ozslang — Funetic Populo-Vulgar Speech — T‑Shirt & Net Shorthand Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
Slang von der Gigglepedia
Slang Dictionary — What’s your slang?
Slang Editor
Slang Survey: Slang: qotw
Slang: 60’s Slang : In the early 60’s, as today, the young people had a different lingo and it, as today, drove our parents nuts. These are a few of the slang words that were used in the sixties. The keyword here is “used” as some of these words came from an earlier era.
Slanguage : Talk like the locals in cities around the world!
The Online Slang Dictionary
Streetgang Slang: City of Houston — The Mayor’s Anti-Gang Office: Glossary
Dictionary of Playground Slang — The Slang Dictionary: A dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms.
Probert’s Encyclopaedia — Slang — Slang Dictionary
Slang City
Slang City: Songtexte erklärt
Slang survey
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade
Old Surfing Slang
Surfrikan : South African surfers talk funny – mostly because they’re surfers, but also because they’re South African. Our local slang is a strange mixture of words and phrases from the languages of settlers from Europe and Asia, as well as indigenous peoples, notably Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho and Khoi-San. This glossary includes words used by surfers, but also more general words. Some might be vaguely offensive, so sorry for that.
Stupid people expressions and sayings
The Infinite Teen Slang Dictionary.
Yorkshire Folk Talk: Glossary
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