* [yellow stripe ].[chicken]. ]chicken-hearted].[chicken-livered].[gutless].[lily-livered].[milk-livered].[mousy].[pucker-assed].[rabbity].[sissified].[sissy].[weak-kneed].
»‘Cause you’re yellower than tinkle and you’ll be running like diarrhea«
Bloodhound Gang, »Boom«Jimmy Pop © 1996
»Whoa! Sen. Tammy Duckworth Says Trump Has a ‘Yellow Streak Down His Back’.«
Daily Kos, Jun 05, 2019
»Certainly a person with ›a yellow stripe down his back‹ would qualify as a coward. I can’t find evidence of such a phrase in print until the 1940’s.«
The Straight Dope, 24.08.2001
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»The Image of Dorian Gray in the Yellow Press (Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse)«, Ulrike Ottinger, West Germany, 1984
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA)
»In reality, there was no steady drumbeat for war, no ›constantly increasing bombardment‹ of calls in the yellow press for Cuba’s independence.«
W. Joseph Campbell, Language Arts & Disciplines, 2001
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»Yellow women are mean and they’re evil, crooked on every hand. / Why don’t you take my advice, boys, be a black woman’s man.«
Brownie McGhee, »I’m A Black Woman’s Man«
Brownie McGhee © 1941
»I know you must be a stranger, you don’t know who I am, / But all the girls in my neighborhood would tell you about my yellow yam.«
Memphis Slim, »Sweet Root Man«
Memphis Slim © 19??
»I like young pretty brown-skin girls. Pepper’s too yellow for me.«
Iceberg Slim, PIMP
“A naked yellow dame was standing beside a dresser near the window.” Iceberg Slim, Trick Baby [1967]
»Then a dark brown hand and arm bigger than my own reached up and started to stroke across the nipples and yellow belly. It sure turned Midge on. Her hissing sounded like a snake pit.«
Iceberg Slim, TRICK BABY [1967]
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