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»Never test my patience, nigga, I’m high maintenance / high class, if you ain’t rollin’, bypass«
Jay‑Z f/Amil & Ja Rule, »Can I Get A…«
??? © 1998
»Are you attracted to unavailable women? We’ve gotten this question a number of times. ›What should I do because my girlfriend is high maintenance?‹ Or, ›She’s so high maintenance, I don’t know what to do about it.‹«
Helping Lesbians Date & Love Well
»What is considered high maintenance in a girl? This is in a similar vein as the post about how women dress but I’ve always wondered how men rate the degree of maintenance in women. Is it considered HM when the girl is impeccably dressed with flawless makeup? Or is it when they are donning high end labels head to toe?«
What is considered high maintainance in a girl?
»Emotionally High Maintenance Woman – If You’re Dating One, Then Know This: … she’s high-maintenance if she’s any (or all!) of the following:
So basically… if the woman you’re dating is any of the above, then yes, she’s high-maintenance. And that’s NEVER a good thing.«
Dating A High Maintenance Woman?
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