.… . . nachschlagen, schmökern, mitmachen
* [ball the jack].[barrel].[barrel along].[burn rubber].[burn up the highway].[floor it].[go full blast].[go hell-bent].[go hell for leather].[go lickety-split].[go like a bat out of hell].[go like blazes].[go like blue blazes].[go like greased lightning].[go like nobody’s business].[go like the devil].[go to beat the band].[go to beat the Dutch].[haul ass].[highball].[hightail].[hightail it].[hotfoot].[let her rip].[make tracks].[put the hammer down].[put the pedal to the metal].[scoot].[step on it].[step on the gas].[tear ass].[zip].[zoom].
»they’re hiballin’ with bankrupt brakes, over-driven / under-paid«
Tom Waits, »Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy Street)«
Tom Waits © 1975
»We have to stop in that ghost town,« Slocum said. »Whatever for? I’m highballin’ it all the way to Demming.«
Jake Logan, Slocum #422: Slocum and the Bullet Express (2014)
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