[ho].[slut].[dog].[chav].[hoochie mama].[hootchy-kootch].[hoochy-koochy].[].[].[hoochie-coochie].[hootchie-kootchie].[hootchy-kootchy].[Essex girl]
»For God sake’s, girl, that pink screams hoochie!«
»He’s going to think I’m a straight-up hoochie.«
»Now, we was once two niggaz of the same kind / Quick to holler at a hoochie with the same line«
2Pac, »I Ain’t Mad At Cha«
Des Arnaud / Tupac Amaru Shakur © 1996
»‘Cos I like them ghetto hoochies / One-two-light, pop that coochie«
2 Live Crew, »Hoochie Mama«
Luther Campbell / David Hobbs / Mark Ross / Chris Wong Won © 1997
»Mama just don’t understand / Why I love your hoochie ass«
2 Live Crew, »Hoochie Mama«
Luther Campbell / David Hobbs / Mark Ross / Chris Wong Won © 1997
»‘Bout to hit the Player Club lookin’ for a genie / 26–24-36, a hoochie with a big butt and some tits«
Master P., »You Know I’m A Hoe«
John B. Fletcher / Jalil Hutchens / Ice Cube / Percy Miller / Lawrence Smith © 1998
* [slutty].[whorish].[ghetto].[].[].[].[].[].
* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»Hey, hoochie, what’s up?«
* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»They were hoochieing on the coach.«
* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
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