* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»If there was a problem, Yo, – I’ll solve it. / Check out the hook while my DJ. revolves it.«
Vanilla Ice, »Ice Ice Baby«
Vanilla Ice / Floyd Brown / Mario LaVell Johnson © 1990
* [hooker].[hustler].[have one’s hooks in sb].[].[].[].[].
»So you brothers in the jeep can keep lookin’, but I ain’t hookin’.«
Roxanne Shanté, »Brothers Ain’t Shit«
Nathaniel Thomas Wilson / William Paul Mitchell © 1990
* [awesome].[brilliant].[brill].[hooks: have one’s hooks in sb].[shit: the shit].[].[].[].
»I saw a teeny-weenie booger on the tip of her nose. / She was dressed real def and her body was hook.«
Biz Markie, »Pickin’ Boogers«
Antonio Hardy / Marlon Williams / Biz Markie © 1988
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