1Adj |
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[chump: off one’s chump]; [rocker: off one’s rocker]; [trolley: off one’s trolley]; [block: off one’s block]; [head: off one’s head]; [nut: off one’s nut]; [chump: off the chump]; [head: off the head]; [scone: off the scone]. [mental] [ape]; [apeshit]; [around the bend (Brit); [balmy]; [bananas]; [barmy]; [bats]; [batty]; [bent]; [bonkers (Brit); [bonzo]; [buggy]; [bughouse]; [bugs]; [bugsy]; [cockamamie]; [cockeyed]; [crackbrained]; [cracked]; [crackers (Brit); [crackpot]; [crackpotty]; [crazy as a bedbug]; [crazy]; [crazy as a coot]; [crazy as a loon]; [crazy as catshit]; [cuckoo]; [daffy]; [dick-brained]; [ding-dong]; [dippy]; [dopey]; [dotty]; [dumdum]; [a few cards short of a full deck]; [food for squirrels]; [fruitcakey]; [fruity]; [funny]; [gaga]; [gonzo]; [Gonzo City]; [goofy]; [goo-goo]; [half-baked]; [half there]; [having a screw loose]; [haywire]; [kooky]; [loco]; [loony]; [loony-tune]; [loopy]; [loose in the bean]; [loose in the upper story]; [lunch]; [lunching]; [lunchy]; [mental] (Brit); [meshugah]; [nerts]; [nertsy]; [nobody home]; [not all there]; [not tightly wrapped]; [nuts]; [nutso]; [nutsy]; [nutty]; [nutty as a fruitcake]; [off]; [off one’s bird]; [off one’s chump]; [off one’s head]; [off one’s noodle]; [off one’s nut]; [off one’s onion]; [off one’s rocker]; [off the wall]; [off one’s trolley]; [out of one’s gourd]; [out of one’s head]; [out of one’s skull]; [out of one’s tree]; [out to lunch]; [pixilated]; [potty]; [psycho]; [queer]; [queer in the head]; [round the bend (Brit); [rowing with one oar in the water]; [rum-dum]; [sappy]; [scatty]; [schizo]; [schizoid]; [schizy]; [screwball]; [screwy]; [sick]; [sick in the head]; [sicko]; [sicksicksick]; [spaced out]; [squirrely]; [tetched]; [tetched in the head]; [tetchy]; [tomfool]; [up the wall]; [wacko]; [wacky]; [weird]; [wild-ass]; |
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© 2013 Bernhard Schmid Check me out at Übersetzen als Handwerk ~~~ Übersetzungsvorschlag für diesen Eintrag? Ein gutes Zitat? Eine Frage? |
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