note: auf den Geis­tes­zu­stand bezo­gen; seit Ende des 19. Jhs.; von »nut«: Kopf; vgl. »nut job«
ver­rückt, wahn­sin­nig, geis­tes­ge­stört; exzen­trisch; oder auch nur unvernünftig.

spin­nen; nicht ganz dicht sein; sie nicht mehr alle haben; nicht alle Tas­sen im Schrank haben; tickt nicht rich­tig; hat einen Hau / Hasch­mich / Spar­ren; spin­nert; spin­nig; bescheu­ert; bemackt; abge­dreht; gestört; über­ge­schnappt; irre.

[chump: off one’s chump]; [rocker: off one’s rocker]; [trol­ley: off one’s trol­ley]; [block: off one’s block]; [head: off one’s head]; [nut: off one’s nut]; [chump: off the chump]; [head: off the head]; [sco­ne: off the sco­ne]. [men­tal] [ape];  [apes­hit];  [around the bend (Brit);  [bal­my];  [bana­nas];  [bar­my];  [bats];  [bat­ty];  [bent];  [bon­kers (Brit);  [bon­zo];  [bug­gy];  [bug­house];  [bugs];  [bug­sy];  [cock­ama­mie];  [cockey­ed];  [crack­brai­ned];  [cra­cked];  [cra­ckers (Brit);  [crack­pot];  [crack­pot­ty];  [cra­zy as a bedbug];  [cra­zy];  [cra­zy as a coot];  [cra­zy as a loon];  [cra­zy as cats­hit];  [cuckoo];  [daffy];  [dick-brai­ned];  [ding-dong];  [dippy];  [dop­ey];  [dot­ty];  [dumd­um];  [a few cards short of a full deck];  [food for squir­rels];  [fruit­ca­key];  [frui­ty];  [fun­ny];  [gaga];  [gon­zo];  [Gon­zo City];  [goofy];  [goo-goo];  [half-baked];  [half the­re];  [having a screw loo­se];  [hay­wire];  [kooky];  [loco];  [loo­ny];  [loo­ny-tune];  [loo­py];  [loo­se in the bean];  [loo­se in the upper sto­ry];  [lunch];  [lun­ching];  [lun­chy];  [men­tal]   (Brit); [mes­hu­gah];  [nerts];  [nert­sy];  [nobo­dy home];  [not all the­re];  [not tight­ly wrap­ped];  [nuts];  [nut­so];  [nut­sy];  [nut­ty];  [nut­ty as a fruit­ca­ke];  [off];  [off one’s bird]; [off one’s chump];  [off one’s head];  [off one’s nood­le];  [off one’s nut];  [off one’s oni­on];  [off one’s rocker];  [off the wall];  [off one’s trol­ley];  [out of one’s gourd];  [out of one’s head];  [out of one’s skull];  [out of one’s tree];  [out to lunch];  [pixi­la­ted];  [pot­ty];  [psycho];  [que­er];  [que­er in the head];  [round the bend (Brit);  [rowing with one oar in the water];  [rum-dum];  [sap­py];  [scat­ty];  [schi­zo];  [schi­zo­id];  [schi­zy];  [screw­ball];  [screwy];  [sick];  [sick in the head];  [sicko];  [sick­sick­sick];  [spa­ced out];  [squir­rely];  [tet­ched];  [tet­ched in the head];  [tet­chy];  [tom­fool];  [up the wall];  [wacko];  [wacky];  [weird];  [wild-ass];


“ ‘Kill you?’ said Scul­ly again to the Swe­de. ‘Kill you? Man, you’­re off your nut’ ”
Ste­phen Cra­ne, The Blue Hotel, 1898.


© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
Check me out at Über­set­zen als Handwerk
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