1Vinote:weggehen; sich entfernen; »shuffle off to«: wohin gehensich trollen; sich verdrücken; Leine ziehen; absocken. |
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[air out] [amscray] [ankle] [ankle along] [bag ass] [bail] [beat it] [blast off] [blaze] [blow] [blow away] [boogie] [book] [book it] [boot and saddle] [bop off] [breeze] [breeze off] [broom] [bugger off] [bug out] [bunk] [burn] [burn rubber] [butt out] [buzz] [buzz off] [catch one’s lid] [chase oneself] [chase along] [check out] [cheese it] [clear out] [clock out] [cruise] [cut] [cut a] [cut and run] [cut ass] [cut out] [diddy now] [dig out] [drag ass] [drag one’s freight] [drag it] [duck out] [dust] [ease] [ease on out] [ease out] [fade] [fade away] [fade out] [flake off] [fly the coop] [fuck off] [get going] [get lost] [get moving] [get off the block] [get off the dime] [get on one’s horse] [get the hell out] [git] [go south] [haul one’s ashes] [haul ass] [haul it] [head out] [highball] [hightail] [hightail it] [hike] [hit out] [hit the bricks] [hit the road] [hit the trail] [hoof] [hoof it] [hook it] [hop it] [lam] [light] [light out] [make like a banana split] [make like a paper doll and cut out] [make like a sheepherder] [make like a tree and leave] [make oneself scarce] [make tracks] [mosey] [mosey along] [nix out] [patch out] [peel out] (Brit). [piss off] [pop off] [powder] [pull one’s freight] [pull out] [punch out] [rabbit] [rabbit-foot] [ramble] [rip off] [scarper] (Brit). [scoot] [scram] [screw] [set sail] [shag] [shag ass] [shemozzle] [shove off] [shuffle along] [skate] [skedaddle] [skiddoo] [skin out] [skip] [skip out] [sky out] [sky up] [slide] [slope] [split the scene] [take a douche] [take a hike] [take a powder] [take a runout powder] [take it on the lam] [take off] [take off like a bat out of hell] [take off like a bigass bird] [toddle along] [toddle off] [trot] [truck] [truck along] [up stakes] [vamoose] [waltz off] [warp out]. |
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