* [hook].[hooker].[hook: have one’s hooks in sb].[fuck with].[].[].[].[].
»I hooked up with a new gang / Some brothas that knew what the fuck to do«
Ice‑T, »That’s How I’m livin’«
Ice‑T / DJ Aladdin © 1993
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I hooked the broad up with my homeboy Randy.«
Too Short, »Freaky Tales«
Todd Shaw © 1989
»At this time, I was bustin’ funky rhymes, / Hook my shit up with ’87, now I’m gettin’ mine.«
Who Am I?, »Nickel Slick Nigga«
Jerry “Kokane” Long © 1991
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* [see sb].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].
»But Dell knew Sandy, and even when she was still hooking to survive, Sandy never let anyone use her.“
Radclyffe, Justice for All
»Bella Thorne and the musician were first linked in July, when she was still hooking up with Scott Disick. They were super close, but split …«
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»He hooked up a trip to bring us all the Lacey.«
De La Soul, »Millie Pulled a Pistol on Santa«
David Jolicoeur / P. Houston / Kelvin Mercer / George Clinton / G. Cook © 1991
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»I need a couple more man, I’m kinda tapped right now. / But I tell you what, you just hook me up wit’ some.«
Digital Underground, »Packet Man«
Greg Jacobs / E. Humphrey / George Clinton / W. Collins / S. Goins © 1990
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»He hooked me up with a new saddle too, one that he had been using himself. I stopped by his place and he installed and adjusted it for no …«
»Chad Degroot at his store Mr Boards n Bikes in Longwood, Fl. He hooked me up with a new wheel set«
»I went back to my local vape shop and explained what happened to the owner of the shop, and he hooked me up with a new set up for free.«
»I emailed a pic to Drew and he hooked me up with a new frame. This delayed my build by a few weeks but I was completely impressed!«
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