SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch: Englisch-Deutsch
den Ver­stand ver­lie­ren; ver­rückt werden

über­schnap­pen; durch­dre­hen; irre wer­den; abdre­hen; zu spin­nen anfan­gen; sie pötz­lich nicht mehr alle haben.


nuts; nuts: dri­ve sb nuts;



»Donald Trump has gone nuts: In speech meant to defend sex assault alle­ga­ti­ons, he goes full Breitbart« 2016

»I’ve been going nuts get­tin’ all coo­ped up ful­ly hermitizing«
Beas­tie Boys, »Fin­ger Lickin’ Good« © 1992

»The night San­ta went cra­zy. / The night Kris Kring­le went nuts.«
Weird Al Yan­ko­vich, »The Night San­ta Went Crazy«

“This was James Fox. He gave the best per­for­mance of his acting care­er in the film and then went nuts.”
Mari­an­ne Faithful, Faithfull

© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
Check me out at Über­set­zen als Handwerk
Über­set­zungs­vor­schlag für die­sen Ein­trag? Ein gutes Zitat? Eine Frage?


SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch: Englisch-Deutsch
oft mit einem Adverb wie »total­ly«, »com­ple­te­ly« etc.
wütend / zor­nig wer­den; die Beherr­schung / Ner­ven ver­lie­ren; sich ver­ges­sen; den Kopf verlieren

aus­ras­ten; durch­dre­hen; in die Luft gehen; abdre­hen; aus­klin­ken; austicken


nuts: go nuts; dri­ve sb nuts; be nuts about; go cra­zy; blow one’s cork, blow one’s stack, blow one’s top, crack up, flip, flip one’s lid, flip out, flip one’s wig, freak out, go ape, go apes­hit, go around the bend [Brit], go bal­my, go bana­nas, go bar­my, go bats, go bat­ty, go bent, go bon­kers [Brit], go bon­zo, go bug­gy, go bug­house, go bugs, go bug­sy, go cock­ama­mie, go cockey­ed, go crack-brai­ned, go cra­cked, go cra­ckers [Brit], go crack­pot, go crack­pot­ty, go cra­zy as a bedbug, go cra­zy as a coot, go cra­zy as a loon, go cra­zy as cats­hit, go cuckoo, go daffy, go ding­dong, go dippy, go dop­ey, go dot­ty, go dumd­um, go fruit­ca­key, go frui­ty, go fun­ny, go ga-ga, go gon­zo, go Gon­zo City, go goofy, go half-baked, go half the­re, go hay­wire, go kooky, go loco, go loo­ny, go loo­ny-tune, go loo­py, go lun­chy, go men­tal, go mes­hu­gah, go nerts, go nert­sy, go nuts, go nut­so, go nut­sy, go nut­ty, go nut­ty as a fruit­ca­ke, go off, go off one’s chump, go off one’s nut, go off one’s rocker, go off the wall, go off one’s trol­ley, go out of one’s gourd, go out of one’s skull, go out of one’s tree, go pot­ty, go psycho, go que­er, go que­er in the head, go round the bend [Brit], go rumd­um, go scat­ty, go schi­zo, go schi­zy, go screw­ball, go screwy, go squir­rely, go tet­ched, go tet­ched in the head, go up the wall, go wacko, go wacky, go weird, go wild-ass, lose one’s gourd, nut up, schiz out, slip one’s trol­ley, snap, wig out.



»That was befo­re Erdo­gan went com­ple­te­ly nuts with the Geza Park protests…«
www.frontpagemag . com

She held the pil­low over his head. You slept while she went nuts.
Jou­se M.D. 02.22 “Fore­ver”

“I asked him about it. Did he have a per­mit? He went nuts. He grab­bed a pipe. He came at me.”
Monk 06.10 The Man who shot Santa

“ ‘What hap­pen­ed?” — ‘I don’t know. She just went nuts.’ ”
Buffy the Vam­pi­re Slay­er 05.20 “Spi­ral”

© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
Check me out at Über­set­zen als Handwerk
Über­set­zungs­vor­schlag für die­sen Ein­trag? Ein gutes Zitat? Eine Frage?


SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch: Englisch-Deutsch
vor Begeis­te­rung
die Fas­sung / Beherr­schung ver­lie­ren; sich für etw begeistern

durch­dre­hen; abdre­hen; aus­flip­pen; wahn­sin­nig wer­den; über­schnap­pen; irre wer­den; aus­til­len; tillen.


nuts: go nuts; dri­ve sb nuts; be nuts about; go cra­zy; blow one’s cork, blow one’s stack, blow one’s top, crack up, flip, flip one’s lid, flip out, flip one’s wig, freak out, go ape, go apes­hit, go around the bend [Brit], go bal­my, go bana­nas, go bar­my, go bats, go bat­ty, go bent, go bon­kers [Brit], go bon­zo, go bug­gy, go bug­house, go bugs, go bug­sy, go cock­ama­mie, go cockey­ed, go crack-brai­ned, go cra­cked, go cra­ckers [Brit], go crack­pot, go crack­pot­ty, go cra­zy as a bedbug, go cra­zy as a coot, go cra­zy as a loon, go cra­zy as cats­hit, go cuckoo, go daffy, go ding­dong, go dippy, go dop­ey, go dot­ty, go dumd­um, go fruit­ca­key, go frui­ty, go fun­ny, go ga-ga, go gon­zo, go Gon­zo City, go goofy, go half-baked, go half the­re, go hay­wire, go kooky, go loco, go loo­ny, go loo­ny-tune, go loo­py, go lun­chy, go men­tal, go mes­hu­gah, go nerts, go nert­sy, go nuts, go nut­so, go nut­sy, go nut­ty, go nut­ty as a fruit­ca­ke, go off, go off one’s chump, go off one’s nut, go off one’s rocker, go off the wall, go off one’s trol­ley, go out of one’s gourd, go out of one’s skull, go out of one’s tree, go pot­ty, go psycho, go que­er, go que­er in the head, go round the bend [Brit], go rumd­um, go scat­ty, go schi­zo, go schi­zy, go screw­ball, go screwy, go squir­rely, go tet­ched, go tet­ched in the head, go up the wall, go wacko, go wacky, go weird, go wild-ass, lose it; lose one’s gourd, nut up, schiz out, slip one’s trol­ley, snap, wig out.



»Luke went total­ly nuts when I told him that I can’t be with him and then he stop­ped tal­king to me and had sex with ran­dom girls whilst being com­ple­te­ly wasted …«
watt­pad . com

© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
Check me out at Über­set­zen als Handwerk
Über­set­zungs­vor­schlag für die­sen Ein­trag? Ein gutes Zitat? Eine Frage?
Ein­fach einen Kom­men­tar hin­ter­las­sen…

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