* [hip].[square].[hepcat].[hipster].
»All the boys are hep / To do their damndest / to defend Miss Liberty’s rep«
Fred Astaire, »Shootin’ The Works For Uncle Sam«
Cole Porter © 1941
»When it was hip to be hep / I was hep«
Bette Midler, »I’m Hip«
Dave Frishberg / Bob Dorough © 1979
* [hip]
»We the cats shell hep ya / So reap this righteous riff«
Joe Jackson, »We The Cats (Shall Hep Ya)«
Cab Calloway / Jack Palmer © 1945
»Thank you so much for this article, Peter-john Byrnes. I am so grateful to you for hepping me to the fact that I have been boring my audiences for 30+ years. No one would tell me but you set me straight.«
Chicago Reader 2017
»I have my fellow posters over at Soulstrut to thank for hepping me to the excellence of Bill Withers’ first LP, 1971’s ‘Just As I Am’.«
Funky16Corners, 2006
* [what can I do you for]
»I’m still cuttin’ classes, I just couldn’t hep myself«
Tom Waits,
»Barber Shop« Tom Waits © 1977
»›Can I hep ya, miss,‹ a strong baritone voice questioned from the front end of the house. I jumped and grabbed my chest as if to calm my erratic heartbeat «
Retha Williams, Same Journey, Different Paths, 2005
»›Can I hep ya, sir?‹ – ›Why, yes ya can. I want to see the general manager about a membership.‹«
Rober Ayres, Go Fore Greens or Gopher Greens, 2009
»›Can I hep ya?‹ His accent was unmistakably southern and his teeth were stained brown. His name tag read TULLY. Jeremy asked for directions to the cemetery …«
Nicholas Sparks, True Believer, 2013
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