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hell: as hell

SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch: Englisch-Deutsch
note: zur Betonung
[sehr; in hohem Maße]

[höl­lisch; tie­risch; irre; teuf­lisch; ver­dammt; wahn­sin­nig; wie die Sau.]






»the moon ain’t roman­tic, / it’s inti­mi­da­ting as hell«
Tom Waits, »Bad Liver And A Bro­ken Heart«
Tom Waits © 1976

»You’­re hot as hell, I’m cold as ice«
Aer­o­s­mith, »Jail­bait«
Ste­ven Tyler / Jim­my Cre­spo © 1982

»When ya wake up in the night in a hell of a dream.«
Grand­mas­ter Flash and the Furious Five, »Super­rap­pin’«
Ed Mor­ris / Keith Wig­gins / Mel­vin Glover / Guy Todd Wil­liams © 1980

»I met this girl, thick as hell, / Only six­teen, said her name was Lynell.«
Too Short, »Fre­aky Tales«
Todd Shaw © 1989

»Now I have a sto­ry that I’d like to tell / About this guy […] had me scared as hell.«
DJ Jaz­zy Jeff & the Fresh Prin­ce, »Night­ma­re on My Street«
Will Smith / Jeff Tow­nes / Pete Har­ris © 1988

»I was tired as hell, I was drip­pin’ sweat, / But I was all up in her, try­in’ to hold my breath.«
Too Short, »Fre­aky Tales«
Todd Shaw © 1989

»This don’t mean that you own me / This ain’t no good, in fact, it’s pho­ny as hell«
Macht­box 20, »Back 2 Good«
??? © ???


© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
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