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1Adjnoteauch »smokin’ hot« großartigfetzig; geil; bockstark; saustark; beinhart. |
Vergleiche: | |
[A number one]; [A‑1]; [ace-high]; [aces]; [aces]; [aggro]; [ah tuff]; [A‑OK]; [awesome]; [bad]; [baddest]; [bang on] (Brit); [bang-up]; [bangy]; [beauty] (Canadian); [bio]; [bionic]; [bitchen]; [blip]; [blue-chip]; [boffo]; [bonzer] (Australian); [boo]; [boss]; [brutal]; [brutal]; [bully]; [bumpin’]; [bumpn’]; [champ]; [cherry]; [chewy]; [chill]; [chilly]; [chilly most]; [class]; [classy]; [cock]; [cocky]; [cold]; [cool]; [corking]; [crack]; [crackerjack]; [cracking]; [cranking]; [crazy]; [Cugat]; [dandy]; [darling]; [deadly]; [deadly boo]; [def]; [def]; [deffeste]; [delish]; [devoon]; [dishy]; [divine]; [dope]; [dope]; [double bitchen]; [down]; [dozy: a doozy]; [dreamy]; [drooly]; [dual]; [dub]; [ducky]; [dynamite]; [elegant]; [endsville]; [epic]; [evil]; [fab]; [fabby]; [faboo]; [fabu]; [fancy]; [fantabulous]; [far in]; [far out]; [fat]; [fiendish]; [fiendish back]; [fierce]; [fierce]; [flash]; [fly]; [four‑O]; [frabjous]; [frantic]; [frantic]; [fresh]; [fresh]; [froody]; [fully]; [fully on]; [fully to the skull]; [funky]; [fyno]; [gas: a gas]; [gear]; [ginchy]; [ginchy]; [gingerpeachy]; [gnarly]; [gone]; [gonest]; [gorgeous]; [great]; [grooby]; [groovy]; [hando]; [happenin’]; [hard]; [hash]; [heavenly]; [heavy]; [heavy]; [hellacious]; [hellacious.]; [high-class]; [high-rent]; [hipper-dipper]; [hot]; [hotsy-totsy]; [hounds]; [humdinging]; [hyper]; [ice]; [immense]; [intense]; [irie]; [Jake]; [jammy]; [jim-dandy]; [keen]; [key]; [kicky]; [killer]; [killer-diller]; [knockout]; [lampin’]; [like dynamite]; [major]; [marvy]; [mean]; [mean]; [mega-gnarly]; [mezz]; [mighty]; [mint]; [mostet]; [nasty]; [neat]; [nifty]; [nitro]; [nitro]; [not too shabby]; [on the beam]; [on the strength]; [out of sight]; [out of this world]; [outasight]; [out-of-sight]; [out-of-this-world]; [peacharooney]; [peachy]; [peachy-keen]; [plummy]; [potent]; [pretty radical]; [primo]; [rad]; [rat-fuck]; [rattling]; [rattling]; [raw]; [regular]; [righteous]; [ripping]; [ritzy]; [rock]; [rocking]; [royal]; [scrumptious]; [serious]; [sexy]; [shag]; [sharp]; [sick]; [skookum]; [slammin’]; [slick]; [slurpy]; [smashing]; [smooth]; [snazzy]; [socko]; [solid]; [some kind of]; [something else]; [spanking]; [spiffy]; [stoking]; [stunning]; [stupid fresh]; [super]; [superbo]; [superduper]; [super-duper]; [superfly]; [sweet]; [swell]; [swell-elegant]; [tawny]; [terrific]; [the berries]; [the business]; [the greatest]; [the kind]; [the most]; [the mostest]; [the nuts]; [the ticket]; [thrashing]; [thumping]; [tickety-boo]; [tip-top]; [tits]; [tits]; [toast]; [too much]; [top-drawer]; [top-hole]; [top-notch]; [tops]; [totally bitchen]; [tough]; [tough]; [tubular]; [unreal]; [upscale]; [vicious]; [wailing]; [way out]; [weird]; [wicked]; [wig]; [wiggy]; [wild]; [wizard] (Brit); [world-class]; [yummy]; [zero cool]. |
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