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chips: one’s chips are cashed

SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch: Englisch-Deutsch
note: auch »cas­hed in« (das Bild ist aus dem Casi­no); kann sich auch auf den Tod beziehen
[am Ende sein; es ist aus mit jm; das ist js Ende]

[fer­tig / erle­digt / aus­ge­powert / geschafft sein. ]


  [chips: cash in one’s chips][curtains][fat lady: the fat lady sings]




»As it is, I’m fee­lin’ like my chips are cashed«
Aer­o­s­mith, »Bright Light Fright«
Joe Per­ry © 1977

»After sr bum­ped the wall in turn 4 at Day­to­na and his chips were cas­hed in, NASCAR went on this pro­mo­tio­nal cam­paingn for jr, and thankfully …«…/ 2009

»The girl was blee­ding and uncon­scious, but likely would live with care, this was not the case with the male, he was, how do humans say, his chips were cas­hed
W. Shane Wil­son, Enter the Guar­di­ans : Kyl 2009

»His chips were cas­hed in. Curta­ins for cer­tain. End of the trail. Why this see­mingly exces­si­ve empha­sis on the per­ma­nence of Samu­el Reed’s condition?«
James D. Doss, A Dead Man’s Tale: A Char­lie Moon Mys­tery, 2010

»He thought his chips were cas­hed in that epi­so­de and I think Tony knows exact­ly that Mr. Wal­nuts belongs right whe­re he should be, canned.” › … 20.05.2007


© 2013 Bern­hard Schmid
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