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SlangGuy’s Dic­tion­a­ry: after­noon delight

»What is this song all about? 
/ Can’t figu­re any lyrics out.«
Weird Al Yan­ko­vic, »Smells Like Nir­va­na« © 1992 Cobain / Nir­va­na / Yankovic


SlangGuy’s Rock ’n’ Read defi­niert: after­noon delight

Subs • ein »Schä­fer­stünd­chen« am Nachmittag.

»Gon­na find my baby, gon­na hold her tight, / Gon­na grab some after­noon delight. / […] Why wait until the midd­le of a cold dark night.«
Star­land Vocal Band, »After­noon Delight«
Bill Dan­off © 1976

»Thin­kin’ of you’s workin’ up my appe­ti­te. / Loo­king for­ward to a litt­le after­noon delight.«
Star­land Vocal Band, »After­noon Delight«
Bill Dan­off © 1976



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