[bagnio]; [barrelhouse]; [bawdyhouse]; [beauty parlor]; [bed house]; [birdcage] (not common); [body shop]; [call house]; [call joint]; [camp]; [can house]; [case] (not common); [cathouse]; [Cheap John]; [chicken ranch]; [chippie joint]; [crib]; [den of iniquity]; [den of vice]; [dive]; [doss house]; [doss]; [fancy house]; [fleshpot]; [gay house]; [gooseberry den]; [honky-tonk]; [hook shop]; [house of delight]; [house of ill fame]; [house of ill repute]; [house of joy]; [house]; [intimaterie]; [jag house]; [jag]; [joint]; [juke house]; [juke]; [maison joie]; [man trap]; [massage parlor]; [meat market]; [nautch joint]; [notch house]; [notchery]; [pad]; [parlor house]; [peg house]; [place]; [poontang palace]; [rap club]; [rap parlor]; [rap studio]; [red light]; [red lighterie]; [rib joint]; [service station]; [shooting gallery]; [sin spot]; [sink of iniquity]; [snake ranch]; [sporting house]; [stew]; [sugar hill]; [zoo].