SlangGuy's Blog ...

house of ill repute

Euphe­mis­mus / Hüll­wort; alt­mo­disch: »ein Haus von zwei­fel­haf­tem Ruf«



Freu­den­haus; Eta­blis­se­ment; öffent­li­ches Haus.

[bag­nio]; [bar­rel­house]; [baw­dy­house]; [beau­ty par­lor]; [bed house]; [bird­ca­ge] (not com­mon); [body shop]; [call house]; [call joint]; [camp]; [can house]; [case] (not com­mon); [cat­house]; [Cheap John]; [chi­cken ranch]; [chip­pie joint]; [crib]; [den of ini­qui­ty]; [den of vice]; [dive]; [doss house]; [doss]; [fan­cy house]; [fle­sh­pot]; [gay house]; [goo­se­ber­ry den]; [hon­ky-tonk]; [hook shop]; [house of delight]; [house of ill fame]; [house of ill repu­te]; [house of joy]; [house]; [inti­ma­te­rie]; [jag house]; [jag]; [joint]; [juke house]; [juke]; [mai­son joie]; [man trap]; [mas­sa­ge par­lor]; [meat mar­ket]; [nautch joint]; [notch house]; [not­chery]; [pad]; [par­lor house]; [peg house]; [place]; [poon­tang palace]; [rap club]; [rap par­lor]; [rap stu­dio]; [red light]; [red ligh­te­rie]; [rib joint]; [ser­vice sta­ti­on]; [shoo­ting gal­lery]; [sin spot]; [sink of ini­qui­ty]; [sna­ke ranch]; [sport­ing house]; [stew]; [sugar hill]; [zoo].

»Does any­bo­dy know you’­re here? This house of ill repu­te?« Prin­ce, »Rock Hard In A Fun­ky Place« Prin­ce © 1988

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