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fat cat

SlangGuy’s Online-Slang-Wör­ter­buch:


.… . . nach­schla­gen, schmö­kern, mitmachen 


Noun / Substantiv

Anmer­kung / Note
Defi­ni­ti­on: eine rei­che Person

Geld­sack; Krö­sus; Nabob; Bon­ze; rei­cher Knopf; Schwer­rei­cher; rei­cher Pin­kel; rei­cher Macker. 

Vgl. / Cf. 

* [Dad­dy Warbucks].[deep pockets].[Mister Moneybags].

Zita­te / Quotes

»You’ll be the richest guy in the gra­vey­ard / […] You’ll be the fat­test cat / Who’s stret­ched out flat«
Etta Jones,
»The Richest Guy In The Gra­vey­ard« Etta Jones © 19??

»fat cats dri­ving around in jeeps through the city / Wea­ring big dia­mond rings and silk suits«
The Pre­ten­ders, »Midd­le Of The Road«
???? © 19??

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