SlangGuy's Blog ...




Anmer­kung / Note
Defi­ni­ti­on: Kri­mi­nel­ler; Verbrecher

Gangs­ter; Gano­ve; Ganeff.

Vgl. / Cf. 

* [].[].[].[].[].[].[].[].

Zita­te / Quotes

»»Just tell your hood­lum fri­ends out­side / You ain’t got time to take a ride.«

The Coas­ters, »Yake­ty Yak«
Jer­ry Lei­ber / Mike Stol­ler © 19???

»They said that he will grow up to be not­hin’ but a hood­lum / Or eit­her in jail.«

Biz Mar­kie, »Vapors«
Anto­nio Har­dy / Mar­lon Wil­liams / Biz Mar­kie © 1988

»They said that he will grow up to be not­hin’ but a hood­lum / Or eit­her in jail.«

Biz Mar­kie, »Vapors«
Anto­nio Har­dy / Mar­lon Wil­liams / Biz Mar­kie © 1988

© 2019 Bern­hard Schmid
Check me out at Über­set­zen als Hand­werk
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